Morning Time Visual Schedule

Toddler Morning Time Visual Schedule

Morning time in our house has become rather chaotic. Getting a two and a three year old dressed and ready (plus getting myself ready) and out the door by 7 am is no easy task.  While I try to have most everything prepared the night before (lunch, coffee set, clothes laid out, ect), morning time is still very rough and NOT the way I want our family to start the day.  So, I started to think about ways I could make it better and decided to make a visual schedule for the girls.

Visual schedules have provided an essential intervention element for children I have worked with in the past that experience difficulty with transition and that is exactly the problem my two little ones are currently experiencing.

There are so many different ways to create a visual schedule, but I wanted to start simple and small so I just focused on five essentials that must happen in the morning.

1. Go Potty

2. Eat Breakfast

3. Get Dressed

4. Get Hair Fixed and

5. Brush Teeth


I also wanted the girls to have something tangible they could do when a task was completed, so I put the schedule in a file folder that I cut so they could cover up the task when it is complete.


After you paste or tape the schedule into the folder, you cut slits down the file folder, so each item is divided.

vis3 vis5

Of course I had to create two so each girl would have their own!


The only materials you would need to create a similar chart would be a file folder and velcro.  I also laminated mine in order for it to last longer (hopefully!).

UPDATE: The original file folder was easily torn, so I went back and laminated the file folder and now is very durable.  I also keep is stationary on the refrigerator.


So far the schedule has provided a more relaxed morning and the girls enjoy folding the cards and making it a race.


You can get a copy of this schedule I created here for FREE!  All clipart was taken from Classroom Clipart.

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